As Headteacher it gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the governors, staff and students to welcome you to Sackville School.
We are an ambitious school where our motto of ‘Together We Achieve’ permeates everything we do. We believe in every child and work with them so that they can achieve their very best with us, placing great importance on the values of respect, teamwork, equality and above all else, kindness.
By working together in partnership with families, our students achieve excellent academic results. Progress at GCSE in recent years has been well above the national average and at A Level our students always perform above the expectations set by the Government.
Consistently high standards of teaching, high expectations, working together, wellbeing, safeguarding and better than expected progress for all students, each play a key role in our success. We are extremely proud of the progress our students make academically and have received national recognition, including being recognised by the SSAT as a Leading Edge School and entry into the Good Schools’ Guide in recent years.
However, our school is about much more than that. There is a strong community ethos where individuals are truly valued. By providing a happy, safe and stimulating learning environment our students flourish through mutual respect and a strong desire to succeed.
We believe in providing a comprehensive, varied and exciting extra-curricular and enrichment curriculum to complement academic learning. Sackville students enjoy a wide variety of trips, visits, clubs, guest speakers, careers advice and guidance, alongside leadership opportunities, ensuring they leave us as well-rounded, responsible citizens who will not only be the future but will have the skills, attributes and confidence to help create it.
Our excellent pastoral care, and strong partnerships with families and the wider community, complement our carefully developed curriculum that includes such things as British values and equality through our Learning for Life programme. We are committed to going the extra mile to support each and every student, their safety, personal development, health and wellbeing are of paramount importance to us. We have also achieved the Unicef ‘Rights Respecting Award’ which endorses our school values.
Following our most recent Ofsted Inspection (2019), inspectors commented that “Students behave well, are polite and welcoming and proud of their school, In the great majority of lessons, students behaviour is exemplary.”
We have a large, active and high achieving Sixth Form which is a real asset to our school. Sixth Form students play an important and active role in supporting younger students, running clubs, leading student voice groups and being ambassadors for the school in everything they do, both within the school and in the wider community.
Our dedicated team of staff believe that there are no barriers to learning that cannot be overcome. They work tirelessly to instil the belief in each student that they can achieve more than they ever thought possible and always look to reward hard work, good behaviour and engagement in school life.
We hope that you will enjoy coming back to our website frequently and follow us on our Instagram and Twitter accounts to keep up to date with exciting news and developments. Our regular newsletters can be found by clicking on the ‘Families’ tab at the top of the Home page.
This is a happy, successful and thriving school, but don’t just take my word for it. If you are a family who are considering Sackville for your children or a prospective employee who shares our values and aspirations you are welcome to come and see for yourselves. Just book an appointment via the school office to arrange a visit.
Ms Jo Meloni BA (Hons) NPQH
Sackville School