Home School Agreement

Home School Agreement

Moving into the Sixth Form is an exciting and rewarding part of your educational journey. We aim to provide a broad curriculum, expert teaching and enhanced learning opportunities so that you thrive in our sixth form and in life beyond school. 

The Home-School Agreement document is read and signed upon enrolment by all students enrolled into Sackville School Sixth Form. 

The agreement below is a precondition to acceptance into the Sixth Form. 


Students will:  

  • arrive on time at school.
  • attend all timetabled lessons including supervised study, registration, assembly and SMSC  sessions.
  • ensure a priority family contact Informs the school of any absences by 8.25am, in advance of the lesson. 
  • have a minimum of 96% attendance. Attendance is rigorously monitored and falling below this level will trigger strategies being put in place. 

Studies and the school day

Students will:

  • use study periods productively for work and keep up to date with work set; this involves undertaking five hours independent study per week, per subject, as well as attending three designated hours of supervised study per week in year 12.
  • undertake independent learning tasks.
  • discuss any timetable changes with the Head or Deputy Head of Sixth Form and CTL.

Homework at key stage 5

KS5 students are expected to do at least an hour of independent study or homework for every hour of lesson time. This can include formal homework tasks and independent study tasks.

Sixth Form Dress Code

Please see our Sixth Form dress code hereStudents will follow the sixth form dress code when arriving at school, throughout the school day and when leaving school.

Sixth Form enhanced curriculum LIFE  programme 

All students in years 12/13 will be expected to participate actively in our enhanced curriculum LIFE programme. Examples of enhanced curricular participation may include regular mentoring, working as part of the student leadership team, leading discussions with form groups in years 7-11, helping with transition events, running a KS3 sports club and the organisation of, or participation in, charity events.

Work Experience

Students will understand that work experience is a compulsory part of the sixth form experience.  As part of our LIFE programme students are expected to arrange their own work experience for the designated week and complete the relevant documentation.

Phones, social media and technology

Please read this guidance carefully as the mobile phone policy in years 12/13 is different to the mobile phone policy for years 7-11.  Sackville will be prohibiting the use of mobile phones on the school site from September 2024 for students in years 7-11. 

Mobile phone policy for sixth form

Sackville Sixth Form students will:

  • be able to use their mobile phones and headphones in the SACKVILLE CENTRE and BISTRO only. Mobiles and headphones/earbuds will be prohibited elsewhere in the school.
  • ensure phones are switched off and put away safely in your bag, out of sight, in all other places around the school.
  • follow the school sixth form mobile policy and only use mobile phones and headphones in a permitted sixth form area.
  • use social media positively. It can be a beneficial way to promote our Sackville School community. All social media posts relating to the sixth form should first be approved by the sixth form team and they should never be used to bring the school into disrepute.  

Smoking, alcohol and drugs

Please be aware we are a non-smoking site. Smoking, vaping, alcohol and use of other illicit substances is strictly prohibited on the school site or in close proximity to the school or on any school related activity or trip . 

Thank you for agreeing to this code of conduct. In doing so you demonstrate a positive commitment to our whole community and an undertaking to maximise your own opportunity for success.