Transition Tips for Success


Encourage your son/daughter to pack his/her schoolbag the night before, checking against the day’s timetable. (This is particularly important in order to be prepared for Food Tech and PE.) We advise you to take a copy of the timetable and have this at home for parents to check/support their child in preparing for the next day.

Quiet Work Space

Allocate a set space at home for homework to be completed. Try to ensure that the television, and or any devices are switched off.


Try to get into a routine of completing homework on the day it is set. This will stop homework building up. (Your regular checks on your child’s planner or on ‘My Child At School,’ will enable you to help them with task and time management.)


We have a strict policy on NO use of Mobile phones during school time. Please ensure they are switched off and in bags during lessons and break times. This rule also covers the use of earphones (air pods, Galaxy Buds or anything similar). Students may use the Year office to make a call during the day should they need to.


It is essential that all clothing and equipment is labelled clearly with students name, to ensure we can return items if lost or mislaid.


Ensure that you are dressed smartly according to the uniform code. If you do forget an item such as a tie, you can go to see the Community Office to borrow one, in return for something that you will need to return to collect, ie: a bus pass / phone etc.
As a reminder the Uniform shop is online:-
Sackville School Online School Shop

There is also a second hand uniform shop, which sells items from £1, and is situated next to the entrance at reception.


It is vital you are in school as much as possible. We have high expectations for attendance and aim for 96% attendance.