Exam Results

We are incredibly proud of our students at Sackville School. They have worked hard over the past five or seven years to achieve their goals and have achieved well as a result. You can see some of the headlines below which gives you the key information you need when comparing to national standards.


Key Stage 4

2019 2023
Cohort Size 223 267
Progress 8 Score 0.29 0.18*
Attainment 8 Score 47.1 46.8
% achieving grade 4 in English and Maths 70 63
% achieving grade 5 in English and Maths 42 45
% achieving grade 7 in English and Maths 12 12
% entered for the English Baccalaureate 73 46
Average Point Score of English Baccalaureate 4.3 4.2
% staying in education or training at the end of Year 11 93 95


Key Stage 5

2019 2023
Cohort Size 141 159
Retention from Yr12 to Yr13 %
(note this includes students on one year L2 courses)
80 98
L3 Value Added -0.01 **
A Level Value Added -0.01 **
Applied Value Added 0.24 **
A Level A*-A % 18 15
A Level A*-B % 47 45
A Level A*-C % 73 79
A Level A*-E % 98 97
Applied D*-D % 36 34
Applied D*-M % 68 76
Applied D*-P % 100 96
Destination: University % 45 49
Destination: Russell Group University % 8 29
Destination: Level 3 Apprenticeship % 2 8
Destination: Gap Year % 4 23
Destination: Employment % 48 12
Destination: Other (e.g. other college course, armed forces etc) % 1 8

**Awaiting estimates

If you would like more information please do contact us. Alternatively, you can always look at the school performance tables website which you can find here.

*Based on unvalidated data. Will be updated with any change when the validated data is published