All groups of students will have their academic progress monitored and appropriate interventions put in place so that the achievement gap narrows and the school achieves the targets set out in the current School Improvement Plan.
As a priority, groups for intervention will include Pupil Premium, EAL, CLA, GAMA and those achieving below the age-related expected standard in KS2.
Targets to include: Progress 8 and Attainment 8 scores, % students achieving a grade 5+ and 4+ in English and Maths, % achieving grade 9 e.g. Pupil Premium students to achieve at least the same Value Added differential with non-Pupil Premium students as nationally.
All students with lower than expected literacy rates on entry in Year 7 to have access to literacy support programmes such as Lexia and Accelerated Reader and an alternative curriculum provision so that by Key Stage 4, they make at least expected progress in reading and writing.
All students will have equal access to school enrichment opportunities such as clubs and trips, including financial support if required.
Our Equality Objectives for 2022-24 are:
- To fight for every child to achieve their full academic potential through progress monitoring of groups covered by the Equality Policy and appropriate interventions so that achievement gaps are narrowed or eliminated.
- To provide a safe and welcoming environment for all Sackville stakeholders where wellbeing, safeguarding and pastoral support are at the heart of our decision making.
- To proactively review and adjust our current curriculum content to offer a more inclusive experience for students which celebrates diversity, represents and reflects our school values and community
- To continue to develop bespoke programmes, such as collapsed PSHE and SMSC days, which educate our stakeholders on the issues faced by those protected by the Equality policy and to decrease discriminatory incidents.
- To provide enrichment and extracurricular opportunities which reach out to all our students including additional support for groups if necessary.
You can view our full Equality Policy on our School Policies page here