Beliefs and Values


Our curriculum intent is to enable all Sackville students to engage with a range of religious and ethical themes and discuss, debate and learn what it means to be humans and empathetic active citizens in the world today.


Beliefs & Values (Religious Studies) is delivered in line with the requirements of the West Sussex Locally Agreed Syllabus. At Key Stage 3 and 4 we enable students to learn about and from the six major world faiths in the UK as well as non-religious world views. Our curriculum is designed to allow all students to access a well-resourced sequence of content-rich lessons, delivered with pace and challenge. Lessons build both key knowledge and vital skills through key stage 3 (years 7 and 8), providing a firm foundation for progression to our two-year key stage 4 in years 9 and 10. While this journey to GCSE is important, we also believe it is essential that our curriculum develops skills of enquiry, empathy and reflection, with key links to Sackville’s SMSC and L4L curriculum. Through this we meet our curriculum intent to nurture empathetic active citizens in the world today. We seek to develop our students’ emotional intelligence and foster a range of soft skills in addition to the subject knowledge gained. At GCSE we focus on Christianity and Islam, as the two largest religions in the world. The study of Islam enables many misconceptions to be addressed and tackled, fostering an understanding of diversity and the need for inclusion. At key stage 5 we offer two complementary A Levels of Philosophy and Politics, which find a natural home in the Beliefs & Values department. We aim to inspire the philosophers and political scientists of the future and encourage many students to follow these courses of study at university.



Year 7 Curriculum Map Year 8 Curriculum Map Year 9 Curriculum Map Year 10 Curriculum Map



Curriculum Team Leader for Beliefs and Values – Mr Ade Morris

Last Name First Name Staff Code Work Email
Doran Amanda ADN
Edwards Deirdra DES
Morris Ade AMS