

Absence from lessons is unacceptable without good reason.  Attendance is recorded and forms part of a student’s final school reference.

Please note the following:

  • Please note that Student absence notifications must come from parents/carers, and not from students.  If your child is to be absent from any part of the school day including form time, compulsory assembly and SMSC sessions, please inform us before 8.25am either by email , phone 01342 410140 and leaving a message on the Sixth Form absence line or through the absence reporting app Studybugs.   Get the app or register now ( 
  • Requests for consideration of authorised absence e.g. medical appointment, university visit, interview, driving test, religious event, attendance of a funeral etc, must come from a parent/carer by way of email to
  • Should your Sixth Form child become unwell during the school day and need to leave site, can they please notify a member of staff so that registers can be updated and Mrs Bull (Sixth Form Intervention Leader) will then ensure that parents/carers are subsequently notified so that you are able to check in with your unwell student child as soon as possible. Please note Mrs Hill in Medical is still on hand to support the sixth form students if they are unwell at school.
  • For more sensitive matters concerning your Sixth Form child’s attendance, please do contact your child’s form tutor or you may wish to email Mrs Bull directly for confidential and impartial counsel –