

We aim to provide a rich literary and linguistic journey that provides students with fulfilling experiences of reading, writing, speaking and listening.  We believe that students deserve a broad and ambitious English curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which ignites curiosity and prepares them well for future learning or employment. Our English curriculum will give students the opportunity to  write clearly, fluently and accurately in plain English, showing flair and creativity where appropriate.  It is our intent to develop students’ character, including resilience, confidence and independence, so that they contribute positively to the life of the school and our wider community.


Our curriculum design means that each term, students know more, understand more and are able to do more.  Effective sequencing means that students are able to make the links and connections that support their long term retention of knowledge, understanding and skills in English.  Each unit provides the opportunity for students to think hard and think critically whilst engaging with a range of high quality canonical, contemporary and multi-modal texts.  Our English curriculum promotes the personal development of students in the fullest sense by supporting the growth of the personal, social and emotional attributes that allow them to flourish academically and become engaged citizens of an ever changing future.



Year 7 Curriculum Map Year 8 Curriculum Map Year 9 Curriculum Map Year 10 Curriculum Map Year 11 Curriculum Map



Curriculum Team Leader for English – Mrs Jennie Grimes

Last Name First Name Staff Code Work Email
Angella Zach ZAA zangella@sackvilleschool.org.uk
Branley Jason JBY jbranley@sackvilleschool.org.uk
Byrne Liam LBE lbyrne@sackvilleschool.org.uk
Coates Veronica VCS rcoates@sackvilleschool.org.uk
Grimes Jennie JGS jgrimes@sackvilleschool.org.uk
Halford Charlotte CHD chalford@sackvilleschool.org.uk
Leeves Zoe ZLS zleeves@sackvilleschool.org.uk
Maunder James JMR jmaunder@sackvilleschool.org.uk
Pearson Jonathan JPN jpearson@sackvilleschool.org.uk
Rogers Louise LRR lrogers@sackvilleschool.org.uk
Moriarty Harry HMY hmoriarty@sackvilleschool.org.uk