You Said, We Did

We are committed to using feedback from all stakeholders to improve the experience for students at Sackville School. We have a program of parent/carer and student voice activities which feed into our action planning. We will follow this up with a ‘Families Focus Group’ in the Spring term to look into some of these aspects in more detail.

Thank you to all the families who completed the survey in the Autumn term this year. There were several strengths that were shared with us including:

  • Transition and support between key points in their child’s educational journey
  • Pastoral support on offer for all students through our dedicated teams
  • The ability for students to represent the school in a number of sports teams provided by PE
  • Enthusiasm and care of subject teachers
  • Weekly Families Bulletin and the half termly Sackville News

Below is a summary of the main themes from the responses we received and the actions we have or will be taking.

ThemeYou said…We did…
CommunicationLots of our communication methods effective, but would welcome an app bringing together information on your child’s experience at school into one placeLaunched the ‘My Child At School’ app in December 2022 for families. Moved all financial systems onto this system in order to limit the number of places parents or carers need to use
HomeworkYou would like to have better information available regarding homework that is being set for your childCreated a plan to launch the homework element within the ‘My Child At School’ app in the Spring term of 2023
BehaviourThere was concern regarding some behaviour choices by a minority of students, particularly in social timesThe Senior Leadership Team are around the school and in lessons throughout the day to see the great things that are happening and to support staff where it is needed.
We have refined our duty rota and have focussed on reinforcing pro-social behaviour through our assembly and tutor programs. We have added staff presence around toilet areas to support students.
We will be launching a Rewards Policy in January 2023 to focus on all the great behaviour that is seen around the school which supports our Culture for Learning policy. You can see our Culture for Learning policy here
Wider CurriculumThere had been a lack of opportunities since COVID for students to go on school trips and visitsApproved a number of opportunities, including up and coming residentials, to be advertised to families. There are further plans to develop our summer Curriculum Enhancement Week
CommunicationSome year teams had excellent communication with families while some needed developmentReinforced our new communication policy and scheduled a year team meeting with opportunities to share good practice between teams focussed on communication with families in the new year
BehaviourThere were some instances where the follow up to unkind behaviour or bullying was not as effective as you would likeWe are part of the Diana Award which promotes Anti-Bullying and staff and students have been trained as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. This is being promoted across the school.
Further analysis of the feedback and set up a review of case studies with our pastoral teams to look at what we can learn for the future
CurriculumYou did not always have a clear idea of what your child was learning in schoolYou can find our existing curriculum maps on our website here. We will be updating these throughout the year.
We have also launched a review into the best way to provide this information which will enable us to take further action in the Spring term of 2023
ReportingYou did not always have a clear idea of how your child was progressing in schoolLaunched a review into the best way to provide this information which will enable us to take action in the Spring term of 2023 including a review of our Attitude to Learning grading system.