Open Evening

Open Evening

Thursday 7th November 2024, 5.30pm – 7.30pm

Thank you for your interest in Sackville School Sixth Form. We are extremely proud of our school community and we hope our open evening will be useful and informative.

During this evening, you will be encouraged to visit the sixth form subject areas, advertising and displaying course information in the dining hall, Sackville centre and Bistro. You will have the opportunity to talk to sixth form staff and students, and learn about the courses on offer. We offer a wide range of courses and pride ourselves on giving individual and tailor made information to each and every student. Our sixth form student leadership team will be on hand to talk about sixth form courses and provide an insight into other opportunities and aspects of our school sixth form, including many extra-curricular activities, leadership opportunities and our LIFE programme.

The evening will include a welcome from our head teacher, Ms Meloni, and presentation talks led by Mrs Valentine, assistant headteacher and head of sixth form. These presentations will take place at 5.45pm and again at 6.45pm in the main hall. They will give vital information about all aspects of our sixth form, including the application process and how to select your courses. 

To book tickets for one of the talks, please click the link below. Please note, we advise families to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time to allow for the checking of your confirmation email.

Last year, our Sixth Form Information Evening took place on Thursday 9 November 2023.

The slides from the presentation can be viewed by clicking on the image below: