Careers at Sackville School
Careers at Sackville School
Careers Vision: At Sackville we aim to ensure all Sackville students receive effective careers guidance, aiming to meet all Gatsby Benchmarks to allow them to make informed choices about their future.
Sackville provides a comprehensive careers programme for all its students from the moment they arrive in Year 7 right up to the day they graduate and beyond.
Students are made aware of the opportunities that exist after Sackville as early as year 8 during their GCSE options day. Careers are a key part of the year 9 personal development curriculum. Year 10 have a futures day and in addition to this, we hold a ‘Meet the Professionals’ evening.
Alongside this, we also run a series of workshops, talks and visits throughout the year, take a look at the ‘Overview’ to find out more about some of these.
In addition, our Careers Leader provides individual guidance to students. This is open to all students for self-referral, and is focussed intervention for our SEND, Pupil Premium and those most at risk of not continuing in education, employment and training.
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