Key Stage 3 Assessment
Please find below an explainer video regarding how we assess students in Years 7, 8 and 9.
Key Stage 4 Assessment
In Years 10 and 11 students work towards examinations in GCSEs and BTECs. In Years 12 and 13 students work towards A2 and vocational examinations. Internally organised assessments are given at various points in the school year and provide class teachers, students, and parents with information for monitoring, progress and target setting. A programme of practice GCSE and GCE examinations (“Mocks”) are held throughout each year.
The video below will explain how GCSE grades compare to grades some families may be more familiar with. There
Assessment is mainly by exam, with other types of assessment used only where needed to test essential subject skills, for example, in Drama there is a performance assessment.
Greater content
Current GCSE courses have more content than was the case in the past. Also, there is an increased expectation that young people remember content and can apply it to a wide range of question types and sometimes surprising contexts in exams.
Two-year courses with assessment at the end of the course
GCSE are intended for study over two years and are no longer divided into different modules. Pupils must take all their exams in one period at the end of their course.
Please find our new Attitude to Learning descriptors here.
We have been working hard to take account of feedback from families to give you more information about your child’s learning and progress. We have also been reviewing the type of information we publish to you, and the students, to try and make sure this is as accessible as possible for everyone.
We have made some rather large changes to our reports which we hope you will like. I have set them out below to try and give you an overview before you look at the reports themselves.
You can find a full explanation of the Key Stage 3 Assessment contained in the reports here. If you have any questions on this please do contact Mr Peter Cowlin via
- More reporting points each year
All year groups, except Year 11 and 13, will have three reporting points each year. One in autumn, one in spring and one in the summer. We know that students and families want to know how they are doing in their subjects and being able to give you more regular feedback is key.
Of course, the assessment and feedback that goes on in every lesson is the most important part of our teaching and learning. This will help inform the grading as well as any set piece assessment that might be set.
For Year 11 and 13 there will be two reporting points directly after the mock exams/assessments that they sit in the autumn and spring terms.
- All year round in one place so you can see progress over time
You will now be able to see easily how your child is progressing throughout the year on each report. It will mean that the reports will have some blank columns at the start of the year, however, by the end of the year these will be filled completely. This will really help you dig into your child’s progress with them and their teachers.
- More detailed Attitude to Learning grades
We wanted to give you more detail on your child’s ongoing attitude to learning. There are two fields now with students scored in both. You can see the full criteria here.
The scoring system remains the same (A-D) however, it is important to note that we would expect more students to receive a grade B in the new system. Any grade As are reserved for those going above and beyond and being exemplary at all times. B grades in these fields will mean that students are doing everything they should and are doing well. C and D grades are reserved for those who may not be taking opportunities to learn, either through being passive in their lessons or not behaving in the right way.
- Attitude to Learning scores
We want you, and the students, to have more information easily accessible to give you a snapshot of their progress in school. The AtL grades are really helpful but we want to simplify this even further by converting it into a score out of 100. The key is that anything above 70 means that a student is averaging a B across their subjects. They are doing the right thing, working hard and doing what they need to progress. Anything above 70 is excellent.
If a student is missing opportunities for progress they will have a score under 70 and you will be able to identify this really easily using the breakdown.
- ‘Currently Learning’ and ‘Next Topic’ information
One area families have been really keen for us to develop is the information we give you about what your child is learning in school. You will now get a brief topic title that gives you an insight into what they are currently learning and what is coming next. You can get full information on your child’s curriculum by looking at our school website under ‘Curriculum’ and each subject page. We hope this will help you support your child’s learning and provide you with more information about what they will be doing which can only strengthen the home-school partnership.
We hope you like the new look reports and they give you the information you need. If you would like any further information about your child’s progress please do contact their teacher. You can find all email addressed on the school website here. You can also send me any feedback if you would like to via email and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.