The Internet is filled with incredible information and useful resources that most of us make use of on a regular basis, yet for many parents and carers, it can be a place of concern.
We worry about what or whom our children may encounter online and how we can protect them. We can now access the Internet on most mobile phones and whilst this access brings a world of incredible opportunities in terms of communication, interaction and entertainment, there are certain risks to children posed via the Internet.
At Sackville, we believe that E-Safety is a high priority in keeping pupils safe. We have extensive security measures in place in school, which are monitored internally to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material whilst using the computers and other electronic equipment whilst on the school premises.
Below are some useful links with more information on e-safety: – Visit the “Parent/Carer” Section and use the “Click CEOP” button to seek advice and report online abuse. – Visit the Parent/Carer section and the link for ‘Know It All’ for an interactive guide about online safety.
Click Clever Click Safe Campaign – The information has been archived but is still all relevant and accessible by following the links: – Child Exploitation and Online Protection page. Visit the section on information for parents, carers and guardians. You can also report suspicious behaviour here too.
Keeping Your Child Safe Online – information booklet from West Sussex County Council
How to protect children on smartphones – Useful information on the U Switch website.