

In geography we aim to provide an engaging knowledge rich curriculum that develops geographical skills, enabling all students to achieve their potential as geographers. 

Students studying our curriculum investigate contemporary worldwide issues that inspire them to become well informed global citizens.


The Sackville Geography Department’s curriculum is designed to enrich students’ knowledge of the world, and develop their understanding of the physical and human processes that are shaping the world around them, meanwhile facilitating the development of skills that will enable them to be successful in whatever future pathway they choose. 

Our students understand how the world works, which enables them to make more informed choices in their future, whether it be what products to buy, what type of transport to choose, what type of career they want to pursue, or what kind of future they decide to vote for. They also appreciate how fortunate they are to live on the affluent side of the development gap, and empathise with people who do not have the same opportunities they do.

Sackville geographers realise that the future is uncertain, and that they will be part of the generation who will need to find the solution to global issues, such as climate change, poverty, migration, environmental degradation and resource shortages. 

Our lesson planning is underpinned by our knowledge of how students learn, combining our department’s excellent subject knowledge with our teachers’ understanding of metacognition to create a contemporary, varied and engaging curriculum. 

The department’s curriculum has been sequenced to provide students with a foundation of core geographical concepts when they join us in year 7. Their understanding is then developed through a blend of thematic and regional topics that help turn our students into knowledgeable and thoughtful global citizens, who are prepared for the rigours of the AQA Geography specification at Key Stage 4.



Year 7 Curriculum Mapp Year 8 Curriculum Mapp Year 9 Curriculum Mapp Year 10 Curriculum Mapp Year 11 Curriculum Mapp Year 12 Curriculum Mapp Year 13 Curriculum Mapp


Curriculum Team Leader for Geography – Mr Martyn Johnson

Last Name First Name Staff Code Work Email
Cowlin Peter PCN
Gerretsen Daniel DGN
Horn Rebecca RHN
Johnson Martyn MJN
Parchment Dayna DPT
Street Paul PST
Quigley Patrick PQY