Learning Resource Centre






Open Monday – Thursday 8.25am to 3.50pm Friday 8.25am to 2.50pm    

LRCThe Learning Resource Centre was refurbished in 2011 and provides a bright and welcoming space for students to read and use the many resources available to enhance their studies. Students may visit independently at break, lunch time and come along for an hour after school for help with homework.
Years 7, 8 and 9 have fortnightly lessons in the LRC with their English teacher and read using the Accelerated Reader Programme.  This Programme helps students progress with their reading and allows teaching staff to monitor the progress made each term. To find out if your book is an Accelerated Reader book you can check with AR BookFinder.
The LRC is staffed at all times so there is always someone to help you find a book you will enjoy. We have the latest Fiction and if there is an author you think we should get in, just tell us about them. The “Access it” Library system allows students to search for books and keep track of loans. It is available on all school computers.

Our student Library Monitors help to run the LRC at lunch and break time. If you would like to join the monitor team then call into the LRC and ask.         Do pop in!