

Alzheimer’s UK visit our health and social care students

Year 12/13 Health and Social groups hosted the Alzheimer’s Society on February 1st. The organisers (Tim Wilkins and Sarah Edgar) came to the lesson, accompanied by three Alzheimer’s sufferers (Dave, Alan and Brenda).  The students learnt about the care and support there is in the community and how easy it is to access, as well as about the work of Alzheimer’s UK. Dave, Alan and Brenda spoke candidly and openly about their condition, its effects and their day-to-day lives, whilst Tim and Sarah spoke to our students about their work and its importance.

Our students led a lively question and answer session after the presentation. We are very grateful to Alzheimer’s UK for giving us their time and expertise and letting us have this privileged insight. We would like to pass on our thanks as well to the students who asked the questions and to Dave, Alan and Brenda who were courageous enough to face a group of teenagers and explain so candidly about their condition. The visit has helped our students not only expand their knowledge also complete an all-important, module of their course.


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