‘An incredible performance’
These were the words of one of the audience after an hour in the company of our year 12 drama students. The group had put on a powerful version of Jim Cartwright‘s ‘Road‘ which took us back to the industrial north in the 1980s. All the characters live on the same road, and the piece portrays their sense of desperation in the face of the insurmountable economic challenges of the period.
It was not all northern grit however: liberal sprinkings of humour made the punches harder when they came. And as the ensemble converged on the chorus-like ending, chanting in unison somehow, somehow, somehow I might escape, the audience were left in no doubt about the power of the piece. Nor was there any room for argument about the talent of the cast. An amazing performance which makes us look forward all-the-more to their work in year 13. Well done indeed!
Pictured here are (back) Ethan Chapman, Melissa Turner, Imogen Hannam, Nuha Diaz, Gabriel Rathbone, Iuri Bennett, Amanda Heather, Juno Phitidis and (front) Laura Sizer, Wade Marais.