Lily Cooper
1. Briefly outline your journey from leaving school to where you are today
I started work on my Diploma in Dance Instruction in both Modern Dance and Tap Dance, I have attended the Performance Factory in Eastbourne since September in dance classes, singing lessons and musical theatre rehearsals and performances, and I have started teaching tap and ballet, and assisting Btec dance lessons at Sackville.
2. One piece of advice you would give your 16 year old self
Work harder to finish what you set out to achieve
3. Any stand-out moments of your progression from school to now (interviews, moving away from home etc.
I auditioned for Bath Spa and Chichester University and have received unconditional offers for both. I have accepted Chichester’s offer and will be going there in September to study Musical Theatre)
4. Best and Worst parts of the job or course you are doing now
As I am doing so many different things, it is hard to keep track of everything I need to remember and work for. However, it keeps life interesting, and most of the time I love what I do.
5. Describe a normal day in your working or studying life
My evenings are given up to teaching, rehearsals or dancing during the week. During the day I work, teach or work on choreography.
6. Fondest memory from school
My fondest memories are of my teachers, particularly in the Drama department, and how much they worked to support me and get me to where I want to be.