The Christmas season begins at Sackville
As the long autumn term draws to its end, signs of Christmas are beginning to appear at Sackville. Many are looking forward to the school Christmas lunch on Friday 15th, and the Carol Service at St Swithun’s at 6.30pm on Tuesday 19th. And year 11s are of course anticipating their mock results ceremony on the same day.
Christmas trees have been up since the start of December. Each year Graham Keenor generously gives a number of trees for the school. One is up in Reception, one in the canteen and one in front of the school. The trees help us remember Graham’s late son Paul who tragically died in a road accident in 2015.
The tree in Reception in the photo was surrounded with gifts from the school for the East Grinstead Food Bank this Christmas, which have been donated by students.
On Friday 8th these gifts were taken to the East Grinstead Foodbank by Mr Elsdon with students Aaron Hodson and Reuben Reynolds.