Remembrance Week at Sackville
Sackville students have been marking the centenary of the Armistice in different ways this autumn. Our librarian, Mrs Rose, created a silhouette soldier onto which students and staff have been invited to write the name of a relative lost or injured in conflict. Year 7s and 8s have also been invited to the library during registration to discuss the Great War and remembrance. Space on the soldier has filled up, and students are now writing the names of loved ones on cardboard poppies.
During the week Mr Grant has been giving assemblies on the importance of this centenary. He has talked about his own family’s involvement in the First World War and invited students to think about what the legacy of the war is today.
On Thursday to mark this special anniversary, the whole school took to the playground to create a giant human poppy. Images of this will be shared after our two minutes’ silence on Friday