The numbers are looking good for these year 10 girls

The numbers are looking good for these year 10 girls

On Wednesday March 23 we were invited by the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme to take fifteen year 10 girls for a day of maths enrichment at Imberhorne School. Students from Oathall and Downlands also attended.

Students Amber and Blessing take up the story:

In the morning when we arrived at Imberhorne School, we were presented with the challenge to create an intricate origami masterpiece (a skeletal octahedron). We then had a presentation on how mathematics is used in the wider world and in jobs we may pursue, including medicine, sports science and journalism. After this we split into groups of three for a dragon race. We tried our best to complete the image of a dragon by answering mathematical problem solving questions, leaving a winner and a runner up. For the last task, we listened to a presentation about Space and how different equations are used in the Universe. For a fun last task we had the opportunity to create mini helicopter drones made of paper before we departed. We enjoyed this experience because it opened our eyes to the many job opportunities in STEM and how maths can be applied in the greater world.


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