Andrew Smith
It is with the utmost sadness that we share the news of the passing of Andrew Smith.
Andrew will be remembered for so many things, not least the dignity with which he faced his illness over the last year. No-one present will forget the charity basketball game he graced last November, and the huge cheers every time he sank a basket – which was every shot, for as usual he never missed.
All of our staff count it as an honour to have worked with him in the short time he was at Sackville. So many of his peers are proud to have counted him as a friend.
We have lost a young man of immense talent and promise, who grabbed every opportunity his brief life offered and wrung every last ounce from it. Andrew was a true example and inspiration to the whole Sackville community, and the thoughts of that community are with his family now. Andrew, you will be missed but never forgotten.