Sussex Circuit judges visit year 12 assembly
We were delighted to extend a warm welcome in our sixth form assembly on December 5th to Her Honour Judge Sarah Venn and her colleague Her Honour Judge Helen Lusty. Both are circuit judges in Sussex and are also diversity and community relations judges, who act as a link between the judiciary and all local communities.
The two judges made a grand entrance into sixth form assembly, dressed in full judicial robes. Both these judges are keen to inspire young people to apply to train and work in the judicial services. The judges offered practical assistance for gaining work placements and could not have been more welcoming or giving with their time.
We look forward to a return visit. Sixth formers interested in pursuing a law related career should in the first instance speak to Mrs Fleming, Mr Roberts or Mrs Valentine for further advice.
Pictured alongside Judges Venn and Lusty are Madison McKay, Mia Sloane, Elise Brewer, Lauren Thorne, Sofia Davis and Amber Davies.